Many business people have stated that they can’t afford to employ a full-time health and safety advisor within their company. Well, the expensive problem of recruiting and employing a dedicated health and safety advisor is solved. You can hire a safety advisor from Aegis Associates, who will be fully insured and hold relevant safety qualifications for the job. A small day rate expense which gets cheaper the more days you want to have a health and safety advisor present, doing safety-related work for you.

It is a legal requirement to have a nominated person for health and safety. This is usually the company director or yourself reading this article! If you have suitable experience and qualifications you may be doing a great job. However, have you considered the time? Time is important to all businesses, it is a valuable resource that you cannot get back, or can you. So by engaging a day rate health and safety professional for less money than employing one full or part-time, you can gain extra time to concentrate on your main business activities.
What do I want from a safety professional?
Ask yourself what do you want or need from a safety professional. With many of our clients, it is being legally compliant and in keeping people safe! There are numerous reasons why at the time of writing many businesses are returning back to business from the Covid-19 emergency and need risk assessments and safe working procedures to be drawn up. Whatever your reasons for needing a safety professional at your business, we can help.
If you are new to the business, or not quite sure, ask us what benefit a safety professional can add to your business. Even for just one day, most of our clients are amazed at what can be achieved in just a single day. Imagine the additional costs to your business from lost working time due to injury or ill-health. Increased insurance costs and loss of reputation. Add into the mix the cost of recruiting and training new members of staff, it may well be one of the best investments you make!
We have sat in an office with the director and their staff working away together, going through a safety audit. Or sometimes creating risk assessments and safe systems of work with the people who do the work on the ground. We have constructed company health and safety policies, mentored businesses through the CHAS accreditation program. Plus much more. No day is the same and that’s what we enjoy. I’m sure that you will agree if you enjoy doing a task then it is not a chore, and more often than not the results back this up.
How much will it cost me to hire a safety professional?
The million-dollar question! Don’t worry our rates are very competitive. Our day rates start at just £149 per day with working hours from 0930hrs -1630hrs, these hours can be changed to fit into your operational flow. A lot can be achieved in a day, however more often our clients book 5 days at £139 per day. This allows for a full health and safety audit to be completed. The results discussed and an action plan put into place. You may like some training to be conducted, we can start the process of getting one of your own people or yourself trained to become the safety professional! We can conduct a fire risk assessment of your premises, and other risk reduction work. Accredited fire safety and first aid training.
Nominated person yearly retainer service.
This is a service we offer that provides you with a nominated safety person, required by law. 12 months of safety advice and 12 onsite working days per year. All for the low cost of just £1499. So for just £1499, you could get a monthly site visit where you have control on what you want the safety professional to do, sorry no juggling acts or magic tricks! Plus we are just a phone call or email away to provide you with safety advice for your business. No additional charges apply. Easy payment terms can be arranged.